What's Next! With Tiffani Bova

EP001a: The Human Side of Business with Seth Godin



Welcome to the What’s Next! podcast with Tiffani Bova. Today’s guest is Seth Godin. Seth is a bestselling author of 18 books and loves to talk about making something happen. Seth is a huge fan of doing the right thing in business. The “right thing” means not caring about stock options or your career and still caring about what you’re making. Seth promotes focusing on service to deliver consistently. Great marketers should spread ideas, not make sales. Your job as the marketer is not to sell what the factory makes, but to serve the people the company seeks to serve. This is the human side of business. In this episode: 3:15 – Doing the right thing in business 3:35 – How marketers are having to face shifting from worrying about what’s coming next to ensuring they are doing what’s right today 5:10 – Giving books away + traditional publishing 7:03 – Why Random House should have started Google and Simon and Schuster should have started Facebook 7:36 – How an individual (you!) can make a difference beyond metrics in