Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

We Live in Clown World! on PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe



Periodically, throughout time and the evolution of man, things unravel.  For instance, during the fall of the Roman Empire: civilization had reached a peak!  So, as always happens after long periods of sanity and well-organized civilization, with law and order, prosperity, and everyone pretty much used to living well within certain parameters of behaviour- everything went off the rails!German barbarians were allowed to become citizens, while native Romans had slipped into extremes of decadence, not even wanting to serve in their mighty legions any longer.  Slaves were bought in abundance, since the noble Romans wanted to enjoy their debauchery extreme luxury, valuing such above their old republican values.  The old small farmholdings had all been bought up by the ultra-rich, who farmed them with slaves taken from conquered lands- and those roman soldiers, who used to make up the formidable legions that conquered the world?  Well, they were now obsolete, much like our own small farmers today, and forced to mov