Craig Groeschel Audio

The Best of 2021



This year might’ve been the best of your life or one of the toughest you’ve ever faced. In The Best of 2021, we’re looking back at the best of Life.Church messages for the year. Whether you’re searching for a fresh start, hope, freedom, or purpose, there’s something in this message for you. ABOUT THIS MESSAGEThis year might’ve been the best of your life or one of the toughest you’ve ever faced. In The Best of 2021, we’re looking back at some of our favorite messages of the year. Whether you’re searching for a fresh start, hope, freedom, or purpose, there’s something in this message for you. WE’RE OPENWe’re continuing to monitor guidelines and best practices for gathering in a safe way. Learn more about everything we're doing to keep you safe and how you can help by using hand sanitizer, washing your hands often, and more: a time and attend a service with us: STEPSHave you made a decision to follow Jesus? You may be wondering what’s next