Global Founders

Allies in Gender Equality: Opportunities for Corporate Champions



Episode Notes Twenty-five years ago in Beijing, China the UN Fourth World Conference on Women set forth a powerful global agenda to achieve women’s equality. While much progress has been made, millions of women and girls around the world still face discrimination, violence, and unequal access to resources. The gender gap in the economic sphere is particularly striking. The World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2020 reveals stubbornly low levels of women in managerial or leadership positions, and women’s wage stagnation, low formal labor force participation, and lower incomes. This conversation will highlight ways that men can serve as visible, vocal champions for women’s advancement in the workforce, with a focus on concrete actions that major global companies can take to achieve gender equality. This Campfire Conversation was presented by the Presidential Precinct Network. Learn more at and Introductory music titled "Supernova" by Pre