Toon In Podcast

Little Johnny and the Soiled Trousers - Toon In #120



Oh no! We're stuck in our houses? How ever will we continue to record the podcast? Technology, my friends! I don't care if we had to struggle with it for longer than the duration of this episode, I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'll kidnap a thousand children before I let this podcast run out of content. And I really don't want to kidnap 1000 children... Oh this is supposed to be where I talk about the episode. Uh, just stay for the Improv Me Wrong segment, it's fun. Guests: Jimmy, Brittany Tasty Morsels Our intern forgot to take notes so if there's something that should be in here, let us know! *Important* If you've been enjoying our show, please take a moment to fill out our survey: It will help us tremendously and we will be able to continue bringing you content that you will enjoy! Wanna stay connected with us? Instagram and Twitter: @ToonInEnt Email:! Text us!: 260-7TOONIN (260-786-664