Toon In Podcast

Real Life Ghosting a Guatemalan Goddess - Toon In #119



You know what's annoying? Trying to come up with something witty to say last minute after procrastinating a whole week to work on an episode. We're telling stories about annoyance that's all you need to know, okay? Guests: Jimmy, Brittany, Jake Tasty Morsels I was gonna link an underwater spider and then got creeped out trying to pick a picture so you're on your own with that one. I knew I had heard of a banana with cheese before...Mr. Rogers Dolphins gettin' high Zaboomafoo closet We made a reference to saying "6 months" vs "half a year" you can find that in episode 63 - Why Do I Have to F My Shower? *Important* If you've been enjoying our show, please take a moment to fill out our survey: It will help us tremendously and we will be able to continue bringing you content that you will enjoy! Wanna stay connected with us? Instagram and Twitter: @ToonInEnt Email:! Text us!: 260-7TOONIN (260-786-6646) If