Toon In Podcast

The Big Valentines Day Strap On - Toon In #113



Oh Valentine's Day. Singles hate you, couples hate you. Why do you exist? This is technically a Valentine's Day episode with a double date included. We're gonna talk about some of our whacky experiences during our dating days. We won't let you be alone this Valentine's Day <3 Guests: Jimmy, Brittany, Meag Tasty Morsels These are dates *Important* If you've been enjoying our show, please take a moment to fill out our survey: It will help us tremendously and we will be able to continue bringing you content that you will enjoy! Wanna stay connected with us? Instagram and Twitter: @ToonInEnt Email:! Text us!: 260-7TOONIN (260-786-6646) If you haven't already, please subscribe on whatever platform you listen from! If you're not sure how to do that, just head to and click whatever method you want to use. While you're there, you might as well leave us a nice rating. It helps ot