Awakened Radio With Donna Devane

Censorship is HERE Now!



Censorship is not a good thing. I know, I know, there are people saying things you don't agree with and you don't like. You may even wish they would stop saying them, BUT the problem with shutting people down is eventually it gets around to shutting YOU down! I read recently about an 80 something year old woman in Germany who has been sentenced to two years in jail because she wrote an article on a right wing outlet denying the holocaust. Personally I don't get how anyone can deny it happened, BUT they have a right to believe that. I don't understand racism or religious folks trying to force others to believe as they do. I don't agree with a lot of things people believe and say, BUT I do support their right to believe that way and to speak openly. After years of being on YouTube and over a thousand videos uploaded, I have been suspended! ME! For what? I couldn't get anyone to tell me exactly what I'd done that violated the terms of service, just that I had done so. I don't cuss or name call people, don't