Awakened Radio With Donna Devane

Guilt By Accusation OR Question Everything Believe NOTHING!



We are being led like sheep to the slaughter and we are all arguing on the best way to be killed! Seriously, we have bought into the madness of believing, taking the word for it, no matter if there is no evidence. What is behind this push to get us all to just believe? It started big time with the #MeToo movement where we were shamed if we didn't just believe. Now we are being led into a place where if a government says Putin did it, we are just to accept it. I remember being told that "they" had WMD, weapons of mass destruction.. and look where it's led us. Now even our videos will soon be deleted or "corrected" if we are not in agreement with the "official story"! We MUST stand up together and stop this insanity. Stop buying this bill of goods that is leading us into a culture of conformity and loss of freedom. Should we just all agree with the official story of everything? Will we support our own loss of freedom & censorship? Visit