Awakened Radio With Donna Devane

Grow Up Take Responsibilty STOP Whoring Ourselves Evolve Already



Grow Up Take Responsibility STOP Whoring Ourselves Evolve Already! "The Donna" talks about how humanity has played "whore" to the "elite" long enough. Stop debasing ourselves and grow up already before yet another civilization bites the dust. Will America go the way of Rome? Pedophiles are coming out from under their rocks, assuming that humanity is numbed enough by war, drugs and fear to not pay attention or take action. Trump is the result of our demand for Change, yet is it the change we really wanted or the result of not being willing to make personal changes which would result in a different world? Is World War 3 on the way? Will Israel bomb itself and blame Iran to get the US, Russia, China and the world involved? Why isn't Saudi Arabia on "the List"? Will women be the ones to bring about healing on our planet or are they too caught up in the "nasty game" to awaken and bring up into awareness as consciousness? I'd love to hear your thoughts on these topics and if you have ideas for further videos