Awakened Radio With Donna Devane

Where is MY White Privilege Plus Illegals Trump Agenda Riots in America



Where is MY White Privilege Plus Illegals Trump Agenda Riots in America are the topics "TheDonna" take on today. I'm tired of hearing about my white privilege, I want to know where it is? When will the blame game be seen for what it is, a way to keep us divided so we don't work together to bring about real change in our nation? Immigrants are staying home from work, businesses shutting down to protest President Donald Trumps ban on ILLEGAL Immigrants. What are the legal immigrants afraid of? If you haven't broken the law, then you will not be sent back. Things are crazy, I was accused of wearing a white hood in private by a black person on Facebook! What is going on America? Are we going to come apart at the seems, riot and destroy our country or realize we are being played and come together for real change? The choice is up to us Get your Happy on! Discover the power within you to create with happiness! Http:// Discover YOUR power to heal & experience Abundance! New self healin