Awakened Radio With Donna Devane

How much happy can you handle? Discover the Power of Happiness



How much happy can you handle? Discover the Power of Happiness! Happiness is the power that transforms every day struggles into experiences of pure joy and pleasure. Do you know how you create? Are you conscious or unconscious in your creating? You create all day long, you just don't understand how you are doing it or how to do it to get the result you actually want to live. Discover YOUR Power Discover YOUR power to heal & experience Abundance! New self healing online course. It's all about life. Your life, your dreams, your beliefs. Change is a bit unsettling.. BUT without the unsettling part nothing is ever different. If you want to be happy, have new relationships, get a better job, something that already is has to be released in order for you to experience anything different. Donna DeVane, The Barefoot Guru discusses easy ways to transition through the changes in your life so you can live your dreams and enjoy prosperity. Donna DeVan