Awakened Radio With Donna Devane

A Matter of Perspective Donald Trump Fake News Media Info Wars Truth



A Matter of Perspective Donald Trump Fake News Media Truth What is the truth? Is anyone telling anything near the truth or are we all just believing what we are told? The perspective we opt for determines our life view and the experiences we have. It's not just about politics or religion or social norm, it's more important than that. What we just accept as "truth" determines our lives. Question everyone, even me. Think outside the box, be brave and adventurous with your thinking. We CAN change the world by changing ourselves. Discover YOUR power to heal & experience Abundance! New self healing online course. It's all about life. Your life, your dreams, your beliefs. Change is a bit unsettling.. BUT without the unsettling part nothing is ever different. If you want to be happy, have new relationships, get a better job, something that already is has to be released in order for you to experience anything different. Donna DeVane, The Barefoot Guru discusses easy ways to tra