Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 132: Dmitry Norenko, CEO and co-founder of upSWOT



  Today we welcome Dmitry Norenko, CEO and founder of upSWOT, to the podcast.  Dmitry and the team at upSWOT have been hard at work building a platform to help small and medium sized businesses (SMBs) make better decisions based on insight, personalized advice, and cashflow insights from within their banking portal. Dmitry and his team moved to Charlotte back in the summer of 2020.  Originally from Ukraine, they had moved out to California to take their business through an accelerator program on the west coast.  But upon completing those and being thrown full force into a pandemic, they relocated to Charlotte to continue what they started. Dmitry originally reached out to me in August 2020 - I remember asking him how he was holding up in the humidity!  Needless to say it was a little bit of a shock to his system.  But he and his team haven't let that stop them.  He immediately jumped into a demo of the software to show what they had been building and how impactful it can be for SMBs - and by extension the