Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

233. Theory Destroys Reality



Theory destroys reality   We are all literally beaten up so often by media and bad leaders and politicians, that we, me included, begin to think what we are told is real.   That is the nature of human life; the nature is to learn not to simply believe what one sense is telling you and learn to question everything in order to stay alive and to build.   I don’t say that tongue in cheek, I mean it to be a way to share how to navigate the mud pits and sand pits of our day to day lives.  Theory as stated is never real.  Reality is a contraction to theory.   Once a month, Stacy and I and sometimes other bad ass people come over and we have a one hour discussion about what is real and what is theory in order to not fall into a trap of theory.  It is an exercise I wish you all would do.   So here is the exercise:  there are five categories health, wealth, learning, relational, spiritual. Write down what 2 trends are being discussed in each Write down what 2 real things you can do in each Discuss what you would gain