Brooklyn, Usa

60 | Carry Your Language In Your Heart



Ekushey February (or 21st of February) is commemorated by Bangladeshis across the world to honor students and activists who died in the 1952 Bengali Language Movement in what was then East Pakistan. Many years later, February 21st became known as “International Mother Language Day” across the world, a time for all people to reflect on, cherish, and protect the rich linguistic heritage of our human family. For the final episode of our language season, we sit for “cha” and “adda”  and hear the stories of Bangladeshi community members right here in Brooklyn. • Brooklyn, USA is produced by Emily Boghossian, Shirin Barghi, Charlie Hoxie, Khyriel Palmer, and Mayumi Sato. If you have something to say and want us to share it on the show, here’s how you can send us a message:• Thank you to Ifti Chowdhury, Sohel Mahmud, Annie Ferdous, Kadar Rahim, Hanif Yazdi, the Royal Bengal Teahouse, Adriana, Leen, Nidal, and the Arab American Family Support Center. • LINKSIfthekar Chowdhury AKA ifti is a New