Coaching Conversations With Chad Peevy

Finding the Present



I'm turning 40 this week! The older I get, the more important I find it to be in the moment, in the present. The truth is though, I spend most of my time trying to avoid it, retreating to my past or my future. In this episode I'll talk about why I think that is and how I've found ways to tether myself to the here and now.  Here are some notable quotes from the episode:  "As long as we look to our environment or other people to provide our happiness, our well-being, or to fulfill our potential for us - we remain powerless." "So much of our lives are an act, a performance, scripted by a little kid." "Until we release our parents we will continue to see ourselves as a child." "We’re so afraid of the present that we’ll create an artificial future to worry about just to avoid the here and now." Be sure to visit my website at The cover art is a photo of me with my granny Marie - taken when I was around 5-6 years old.