Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Modern Medicine is Like the Medieval Church podcast on PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe



Can Medicine Be Cured?  Subtitle: The Corruption Of A Profession.This is the title of a new book by Seamus O'Mahony, a physician at Cork hospital in Ireland.  This is an impressive book, since he goes out on a limb and says what most physicians are actually thinking:He challenges the usefulness and credibility of medical research; the illusion of progress; our stubborn belief that we can be perfected; over-prescribing; poly-prescribing; the efficacy of many drugs that are routinely administered; the corruption of academic medical research; our collective failure to accept that medicine cannot cure everything, and indeed can cause trouble of its own; over-reliance on metrics; the pharmaceutical industry and its vast reach and influence, and far more.There was, he points out, a 'Golden Age' of medicine, from the 1930s to the 1980s, during which a number of huge advances were made. TB, smallpox, polio, all huge killers, were effectively eradicated in the developed world. This Golden Age ended &quo