Epic Real Estate Investing

EREI 060: Q & A - It's All About You Today



On today's episode, Matt starts the show off with a few announcements of new Epic Wholesalers closing deals and cashing checks by borrowing Matt's private and exclusive "all cash" buyers' list. For more information, you too can register to use Matt's private "all cash" buyers' list at EpicWholesalers.com The second announcement is of the new service available to podcast listeners, EpicRealEstateWebsites.com, where you can establish your Internet presence and be up and running with two landing pages to generate leads online while you sleep. Why two landing pages? The first one is to attract and caputure the information of motivated sellers that want to do business with you, and the second page is to attract and capture the information of cash buyers so that you can build your own "all cash" buyers' list like Matt's! Get the details at EpicRealEstateWebsites.com The majority of this episode consists of Matt answering your questions about: What to do with a property that has no equity and does not cash flow.