Epic Real Estate Investing

EPREI 041 : Level 1 Property Evaluation - The Time Saver



Running the numbers and analyzing property can be a time consuming endeavor, not to mention that it can often be all for nothing. Matt shares his two levels of property evaluation that can save you tons of time and frustration. Before diving in today's subject, however, Matt addresses a trend in the email he receives from aspiring real estate investors. Many are stuck in their business by having trouble getting started, and many are also having an issue in analyzing their own deals. Matt covers it all in a "content rich" episode. Get your free real estate investing course at FreeRealEstateInvestingCourse.com New in the iTunes store: REI Wealth Magazine To get 3 free months of REI Wealth Magazine, click on the link:  http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/rei-wealth-mag/id552053319?ls=1&mt=8   Install the "REI Wealth Mag" app.     Tap "Subscribe"  Tap "Current Subscribers"   Enter the 3 month free bonus code: reinvestor Join us on the next Memphis Income Property Tour. Go to EpicRealEstateTour.com to regist