Epic Real Estate Investing

EPREI 039 : What to Say When Motivated Sellers Call You



One of the bigger hurdles real estate investors experience is their lack of confidence in knowing what to say to motivated sellers when they're prospecting. When their real estate marketing begins to work and the phone starts to ring, many are afraid to pick up the phone. Either they're afraid of messing up the deal, afraid of looking silly or afraid of the seller themsevles. Really what it boils down to is fear of the unknown. Real estate investing can be a daunting trade to pursue, but any trade that offers the types of financial rewards that real estate investing does will not be without its challenges to the novice. If there were nothing challenging about it, everybody would be living off of real estate riches experiencing financial independence. Unfortunately, there is no way to disappear this fear other than facing it. However, armed with an easy three step easy-to-follow process, facing this fear doesn't prevent itself as the seemingly insurmountable task that it is to most newbie real estate investo