Thoth-hermes Podcast

Season 8-Episode 2 – North American Templars-William Mann



My guest of this episode is William F. Mann, who has been a freemason for 30 years and written several books, part of them non-fiction, part of them fiction but nearly all of them revolving around Masonic history and concepts. William was born in the 1950s and from an early age on he was interested in solving puzzles and following clues to discover hidden meanings of his surroundings. His father’s family had a rich Masonic tradition as far as it could be traced back and from his mother’s side William had the chance to be introduced to North American indigenous traditions. Today, William is the Supreme Grandmaster of the Sovereign Great Priory of Canada and lives in Ontario. In this episode of the show we will discuss topics that might be completely off the radar of many of our listeners as we in Europe have sometimes little knowledge about the ideas and concepts in occulture that are very specific to certain parts of North America. Hopefully this episode will be even more fascinating and also lead to some fur