Craig Peterson's Tech Talk

Why Is Russia Password Spraying Hurting You? What Are They Trying to Do? And What Is It?



Why Is Russia Password Spraying Hurting You? What Are They Trying to Do? And What Is It? This is one of the top topics I've had people ask about lately: How can you protect yourself and your business against Russian hackers? So I've got a presentation. We're going to run through it. We're going to talk about what you can do about it. [Automated transcript follows] This has been a long time coming. I have been doing a lot over the years of webinars of online meetings, trying to help people understand what's going on, what can be done. [00:00:28] And I got a great email this week from one of the listeners. Who's been a man on my email list now for years, I'm not even sure how many years. And he was saying, Hey, thanks for giving all of this information for free for small businesses. And afford it. And I got to thinking because there've been a lot of requests lately, for instance, backups how should I be doing them? [00:00:52] What should I be doing? And a number of other topics that really all go together into