7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

208 - SOLO: The Fundamentals of Product Positioning



Hello from Raleigh, North Carolina. It's time for my monthly solo episode. Today I want to talk about the fundamentals of product positioning. It's not a popular topic, but marketers need to understand what must be done to position their products. My product positioning tips will help you with content marketing, copywriting for social media, understanding your products, and overall marketing communications. In this episode: What is product positioning? What is the difference between product positioning and the messaging framework? How to position the products? Quotes from the episode: "Segmentation can get complicated quickly when you constantly add new product lines or serve different sets of customers. When your company is growing, you offer more products. Over time your segmentation would get messy. You will need to reevaluate your segmentations. " "The purpose of a name is to evoke a visual in a person's mind. Therefore naming or not naming your product is a strategic decision. However, you should alway