Finding Founders

#37 How the Himalayas Revolutionized Swimming - Zygo: Sheera Goren



Today on the show we talk to Sheera Goren, founder of Zygo. Zygo is the first underwater headset for streaming audio and live communication. I swam competitively for 15 years and always joked to my friends that swimming was the most boring sport imaginable. For hours on hours all I did was swim back and forth on the same stretch of pool looking at the black line below. But Zygo is bringing a little more fun to a sport that is too often dismissed as a monotonous activity for the old and frail...and Michael Phelps. But hey, if trendy Soul Cycling studios can make riding a bike that goes absolutely nowhere fun, why can’t Zygo do that for swimming? While Sheera's days are now spent smelling of chlorine with a constantly damp head of hair, she didn’t start out in swimming. In fact, her early passion for sports can be traced back to the soccer field. --- Support this podcast: