Finding Founders

#31 A Smash Hit, Breaking His Neck To Interviewing Larry King - Rise of the Young: Casey Adams



Today on the show we are doing something a little meta. I’m a podcaster who interviews entrepreneurs, and today I’m interviewing Casey Adams. I met Casey at an entrepreneurial run club in West Hollywood, shoutout to Grand AC, and learned that he’s an entrepreneurial podcaster who interviews entrepreneurs. Yes the interviewer has become the interviewee. The audio quality will be a bit different this episode as Casey will soon explain. We decided to proceed with the interview sans-mic, but Casey Adams doesn’t just tell other people’s stories, he has quite an origin story of his own. Growing up in a small town, Casey had humble beginnings. In fact he was an aspiring football player before becoming the social media savvy entrepreneur he is today. Facing a life changing injury, Casey was left with a gaping hole in his life. With hours of free time on his hands, cooped up in his room amidst the already suffocatingly small town of Chesterfield, Casey had an ample time to reassess his life. And he did. From an unkno