Finding Founders

The Secrets of TikTok (Virtual Summit) - ft. Heartbeat, Movers+Shakers, Popl, & Captaindare



So this episode is different from what we usually put out. It’s a live virtual summit on the Secrets of TikTok. It won’t have voiceover, music, or sound effects like our other episodes… but it should be pretty informative. Also if you are new here, I’d recommend listening to our recent episodes on Mac Davis and Immortality... some crazy stories in there!  Anyway, we spent a few months prepping for this event and we gathered together a highly qualified group panelists to speak to our audience. The event was a hit! We had almost 500 people RSVP and almost 300 people attend. I’ve been getting email after email and message after message asking if I’d post the full audio… so here it is. But before we get into it, let me break down our panelists. Here are the time codes and summaries for each panelist’s sections. @ [0;01;51] We’re starting with Nick and Jason who founded Popl. They launched their business with TikTok and gained over 1.5M+ followers in two months and grew their monthly revenue from 0 to over 60