Finding Founders

Warren James: Kevin Ramsey



Today on the show we talk to Kevin Ramsey, founder of Warren James, a custom merchandising firm that specializes in the content creator ecosystem. I just threw a lot of words at you there so let me break down what we’re actually looking at here. A decade ago when people heard the term content creator, they thought of a bunch of teens with crappy webcams recording vlogs in their room for YouTube. Now, those teens are all grown up and have developed themselves into some of the most recognizable brands in the world. And I’m not talking about small mom-and-pop shop off-brand brands, only known within their respective communities. Content creators are amassing millions of followers, and with those millions of followers are coming millions of dollars. And with this money, has come legitimization. Consequently, the gap between established brands like Gucci and new-age brands like Jefferey Star Cosmetics is shrinking. The brands these creators have built out of themselves have become so massive, so exponentially po