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How Authors Can Avoid a Cyber Attack 03-31-2022



Could a CyberAttack Be Circling Your Website? Oh – Oh … did you know that "The Blackhat Forces – under orders from the cruel Dar Nader – can hold your personal data and online reputation hostage? A serious topic that all authors need to pay attention to. Joining host Dr. Judith Briles, is author and website security expert Greg Jameson. His latest book is Cyber Wars: The Battle for Your data. Cyber security is something that affects everyone. Even if you don’t participate in social media or online shopping, today’s world is run by computers and you, and your business and you are at risk. Of course, those who do fully engage in the digital world, especially those who buy and sell via the web, have even greater exposure. Oh-oh …that’s we authors with all the online marketing that we do. Huge take-aways include? • If you have an online presence, you will be attacked at some point. It’s not a question of if, but a question of when. • There are more threats to your website business now more than ever. • Hack