Life In Motion

All For The Challenge - Thru hiking four trails in one year with Brandon 'Horsepower' Weis



In this episode we interview Brandon 'Horsepower' Weis. Growing up in Ohio, Brandon didn't see much of the outdoors - at least not in the sense that he does now. That all changed when Ohio State offered him a stipend to perform a transformational experience. He was immediately interested in a month-long backpacking trip in the High Sierras - but not because it was outdoors. He wanted to do it for the challenge. After his trip he was hooked and began planning longer thru hikes to finish before he headed to grad school. Only one problem. There was a global shutdown soon after those plans were made. Rather than ditching the idea - he decided to pack all of the hikes into one year. In 2021 he hiked the Appalachian Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, Continental Divide Trail, and Arizona Trail. The best part? He's adding more to his list. If you've ever wondered about the mental and physical challenges that come along with so many hikes in so little time, then this one's for yo