Shane Plays

RPG Designer Bruce Nesmith - Episode 255 - 4/15/2022



RPG designer Bruce Nesmith discusses his career as a TSR veteran (Ravenloft 2E, Gamma World 4E, Dragonlance), Elder Scrolls Skyrim lead designer, and now novelist. Bruce’s first day at TSR was an experience, to say the least. What does he consider his biggest achievement while at TSR? Bruce’s opinion of TSR under Gary Gygax versus Lorraine Williams and what he considers TSR’s “glory days”. What was his job description as lead designer on The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim? Why did Oblivion have a big celebrity but Skyrim didn’t? Bruce was years ahead of the game when it came to his revamp of the Armor Class system for Gamma World 4E. What do you do when you want to play D&D but you don’t have the rules? You invent it, including simulating the d20 with d6s. Writing for games versus writing prose. Bruce’s Loki in his novel Mischief Maker is not the MCU Loki. Shane laments the lack of a werecow in TSR publications. Shane Plays Geek Talk Episode #255 - 4/15/2022 Like what you hear? Support Shane Plays Geek Talk on Pa