Author U Your Guide To Book Publishing

Savvy Secrets for Authors to Soar eMail List 05-05-2022



Get ready to discover strategies and tips to building an email list on your website that creates super fans and trust in this episode of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast with host Dr. Judith Briles. Back again is bestselling author and content marketing expert Derek Doepker who paves the way for authors to build their sales. During this hour, you will discover: • The “why” of starting a strategy to build your email list. • Why it’s smart to weed out email lists. • How authors sabotage their emailing efforts. • The #1 thing that drives product sales. • What relationships have for long-term stability. • Steps to build your email list. • What mindset has do with author success. • Ideal leads for an email opener. • Why less emails equals unsubscribes. • Why your email is your pot of gold. Have paper and pen/pencil at your side—we go fast. If you don’t want you and your book to be ignored, then the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast is for you.