Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

241. The 6 leadership Traits



The Two branches of Trait Alignment   In each of us we carry 6 primary traits that when exhibited determine what we say, do and cause in the world around us.  The 6 traits are separated into two branches that further align our thoughts and actions.    Your ability to know which trait is needed for various times and conditions in life will pre-determine the outcome and your ability to place the right trait into the right position in your family, you work, or on a team will also pre-determine the outcome you desire.   Not knowing the traits will cause you to faulter; cause business to die, and cause family to fall apart.   WHO   The Wolf Pack                                      The Shepherd’s Herd The Alpha                                                The Shepherd The Beta                                                  The Sheep dog The Omega                                               The Sheep   GOAL   Growth of the individual                            Growth of the Shepherd’s herd Growth of the pack