Travel Stories Podcast | Stories Of Adventure, Freedom And Backpacking And (currently) Following Hayden On His Motorcycle Aro

S5E6: How WiFi Sprung Me from a Russian Prison - Juliana Dever: Actress | Russophile | Traveler



Can a person sustain their life on their passions? Can you do what you love and live off of it, too? It’s the perfect road to go down, and one that travelers often find themselves seeking. Juliana Dever has found the path. A travel blogger and an actress from the television series Castle, Juliana has thrown herself into world traveling and drawing experiences from her fears. When she’s not acting, she’s traveling, testing her limits. A self-proclaimed Russophile, Juliana Dever has had a fascination with Russia since childhood. She wants to act and travel, and has found a way to maintain this lifestyle, doing what she truly loves. Keeping that life of travel up is possible, and Juliana can prove it. “If you never meet a stranger,” Juliana says, “then that’s all they’ll ever be to you.” The world is your oyster (and to Juliana, Russia is the pearl). How WiFi Sprung Me from a Russian Prison The second time Juliana Dever went to Russia, it was as part of a language class. She was given the option to stay with a