Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

Are You Leading by Example?



Are you leading by example? This is a trick question because the reality is you are always leading by example. The question is whether you want the people you lead to do what you are doing. Like it or not, people are watching what you're doing and they're listening closely to what you're saying. And, the higher you go up the leadership chain the bigger an example you become. There's a saying when you reach senior leadership, you are whispering from a megaphone. Your people are watching you closely to determine what is acceptable behavior and attitudes, and what is not. The question is, are you exemplifying the behavior that you would like to see in the people that you lead? Are your actions consistent with your message? Leading by example may not always be easy but it’s a must if you want the best chance of hitting your goals and having harmony in the workplace. In this episode we’re covering what it means to lead by example and how to gauge how effectively you are modeling the behavior you want to see. Resou