Life In Motion

Be Brave Enough To Suck At Something New - Camping, reconditioning, and getting more women outdoors with Teresa Willis of Girl Camper



In this episode we interview Teresa Willis who is the Eastern Missouri chapter leader of Girl Camper. Teresa fell in love with adventure, camping and the outdoors at an early age. Not only because it was fun, but because it was also budget friendly. As she had her own family it was obvious that the outdoors and camping provided a sense of connection that they couldn't experience anywhere else. This made it an easy choice for any family trip - even with a budget for a 5 star hotel. Now Teresa's using her passion to help other women get outside as the Eastern Missouri chapter leader at Girl Camper. She helps inspire others by offering local tips, tricks and events to build a women focused camping community. If you've ever wanted to know how to get your feet wet camping or why we need to recondition the way we think of women outdoors, then this one's for you! Tweet us and let us know what you think of this episode! @illuminecollect Find more episodes at