Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast

Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast, Episode 253: Peach Syrup and Amber



"Please Feel Free to Piss in the Garden" by SQURL from the newly remastered The Only Lovers Left Alive soundtrack; "Morning Fuzz" by Elkka from Euphoric_Melodies; "The Invisible Meaning" by Acid Twilight from their self titled album; "Grid Wall" by Fly Pan Am from Frontera; "Fracture" by Seefeel from Succor; "Implosion-Explosion" by Colleen from The Tunnel and The Clearance; "Animal Lord" by Grave Flowers Bongo Band from Strength of Spring; "Will I See the Dawn?" by Windy and Carl from Allegiance and Conviction; "Light and Grace" by Schneider TM from The 8 of Space; "Inner Z" by Gnod from Easy to Build, Hard to Destroy.