Entreneato With Matt Neff

84: The Four Seasons of Life and Business with Chris McAlister, Founder of Sighshift



Chris McAlister is the founder of SightShift, a company that helps ambitious people be courageous and kind. Living in Columbus, Ohio with his wife and three daughters. He’s authored 5 books, spoken to thousands of people, and loves the work of helping others unblock their best leadership. To find out more information about Chris and Sighshift, check out http://sightshift.com Here at Entreneato we’d love to find ways we can serve you better! Go to entreneato.com to sign up for one of our Mastermind Groups, hear archived episodes, or connect with us on social media you can also fill out our contact form to submit comments and questions. Thank you! If you would like to support the show you can send a one time gift or become a monthly supporter by visiting our Patreon Page!