Entreneato With Matt Neff

52: "What's Your Definition of Success?" with Bianca Veloso from Brave Hearts Coaching



            Bianca Veloso from Brave Hearts Coaching talks on this interview about her defintion of success. Is having an amazing career with a huge company like Microsoft enough? Is being the best at what you do enough? Does making a lot of money mean your a success? What about your relationships? Everyone's defintion of success is different. We are excited to have Bianca on the show and share her story. Here's more info on Bianca from her bio: Through transformational and innovative coaching services, I deliver confidence to my clients in attracting an ideal partner and tools to create lasting love & passion in a relationship by unleashing their brave hearts. I am a Certified Strategic Interventionist trained by the Robbins-Madanes Training Center. Traditional Coaching is usually focused in the process. As a Strategic Interventionist, my focus is delivering the results my clients need in the shortest time possible and the most effective way. My clients are successful professionals who have been focu