Pixel Beat

[077] Masters of VGM



About: A special episode, in conjunction with various other VGM podcasts celebrating the musical achievements of their most loved, respected and influential VGM composers. A hall of fame of composers from the perspective of numerous VGM podcast creators. These four musical masters are the ones that I keep coming back to and these songs are the ones that I connect with their respective creators. It is a very personal list. Please enjoy this very special episode, featuring the music from Masashi Hamauzu, Nobuo Uematsu, Tomohito Nishiura and Yasunori Mitsuda.00:00 - Neverending Journey [Lost Odyssey] by Nobuo Uematsu > 02:36 - Corridors of Time [Chrono Trigger] by Yasunori Mitsuda > 05:34 - Planet Zerard [Rogue Galaxy] by Tomohito Nishiura > 07:31 - Miracle Mask Theme [Professor Layton & The Miracle Mask] by Tomohito Nishiura > 09:42 - Warning Two [Front Mission: Gun Hazard] by Nobuo Uematsu > 12:54 - Searching For Friends [Final Fantasy VI PR] by Nobuo Uematsu, Arr: Masaya Tsunemoto > 16:5