God Is Not Fair?

11: How to identify your passion and purpose in life and pursue them?



Many of the times we remain confused whether to follow our passion or purpose and before that, what is it? how to realise it and furthermore how to pursue the same?Let me explain: Passion is something for yourself. It makes YOU happy, it fills YOU with joy.  and on the other hand, Purpose is for others. Once you find your purpose, it your duty to bring it to life. Your purpose in one way or another help at least ONE person when it comes to fruition, if not more. When we focus on how to get out of the comfort zone that we are holed up in, to go and accomplish your purpose, we often mistaken it for ourselves. Live for others, accomplish for others and you will do well for yourself. When we stay engaged into our daily routine and lose our lifetime without even enjoying it to the fullest, we feel regret in later part of our lives.Regret according to me is the worst feeling. It is the feeling of you just not doing something, which if you had done, would take down a different path. The worst part of it, there is no