7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

215 - ft. Robert Rose: The Myth of the Empowered Buyer



Hey, big hello from Raleigh, North Carolina. Welcome to another episode of B2B Marketing and More with Pam. I have a very good friend joining me, Robert Rose, Chief Strategist of Content Marketing Institute. Robert and I have known each other for at least, I would say, 10 years. Today, we are going to talk about our favorite topic - the B2B buyers. In the past several years, there's been a term called empowered buyers. Many of them are good at consuming and researching high-quality content pieces. However, does that mean they are totally in control and incredibly knowledgeable? In this episode: Who is the empowered buyer? How to approach knowledgeable and empowered buyers? How do discover the needs of the empowered buyer? What is the role of automation, and how to use it to improve customer experience? How should marketers approach empowered buyers? What type of communication and content do the new type of B2B buyers prefer and value? Quotes from the episode: " What happens is that our buyers are showing up