Life In Motion

All Good Ideas Start By The Campfire - Changing the way we drink coffee on adventures while building a sustainable business with Zach Frantz of Wildland Coffee



In this episode we interview Zach Frantz who is an outdoor lover and owner of Wildland Coffee.  Growing up in California, Zach loved the outdoors and was an entrepreneur at heart. In fact, he started an online business as a kid back in the Yahoo days. Unfortunately it didn't take off, but that didn't kill his entrepreneurial spirit. Years later, while sitting by a campfire he thought there was a better way to enjoy coffee - without all the equipment. That's when the idea for Wildland Coffee - coffee in a tea bag came to life. Sure there were other similar products out there, but they either didn't taste very good or were positioned as an alternative to your home coffee pot. Zach aligned himself with the outdoor community - showing them just how easy it was to stay caffeinated during each adventure. Taking it a step further he created his business on the foundation of sustainable practices by eliminating waste. If you've ever wondered what it's like to start a business, or how you can