Easton Bible Church's Podcast

Episode 8: "Real Courage, Real Freedom" EXODUS Week 8



Welcome. Trapped by fear, yet so close to freedom. Have you ever felt fear holding you back from freedom? Our EXODUS Series with Pastor Lucas Rogers continues as we are shown that it is God who is the giver of both courage and freedom. And when we are able to understand the freedom He has provided through Jesus, we can grasp the courage to live in the freedom He has created us for. How can we pray for and help you step forward? Can you please pray for us? Let us know in the comments or message us via Instagram or Facebook. Our email is office@ebc.org. Blessings. More info at https://www.ebc.org  Thank you for subscribing and sharing us on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.  #eastonbiblechurch #hainesportnj #exodus #courage #freedom #fear #redsea #lovegodlovepeople