Actuaries Institute Podcast

The state of super: Reforms, relationships, and rewards



The superannuation industry is currently facing major legislative changes alongside other financial service industries. From ‘Your Future, Your Super’ reforms to the recent retirement income covenant, actuaries working in super are now having to manage legislative changes at the same time focus on improving customer and member outcomes.In our latest episode, we sat down with three prominent actuaries working in superannuation to get further insights and gain a better understanding of the challenges those in the industry are currently facing.Speakers:Naomi Edwards is an actuary and a professional company director. Following an executive career with Trowbridge Consulting and then Deloitte, Naomi became involved with the wider actuarial fields, including acting as adviser to the Australian Greens on various projects and advising a wide group of environmental organisations.Naomi then embarked on a career as a company director, chairing the listed Australian Ethical Investments and sitting on the boards of funds m