Life In Motion

Drop Everything And Go - Selling your house and car to live a life on the road with Nick and Tara of Unequipped 2 Road Trip



In this episode we interview Nick and Tara of Unequipped 2 Road Trip. Before meeting each other Tara spent time traveling the world and Nick loved a good ole camping trip. When they met it was a no-brainer that their love for the outdoors and adventure would be a perfect match. That's until the COVID shutdown halted everything a couple months after they began. Lucky for them they shared the same employer and ended up working remotely together. Not long after, they began to get a little stir crazy and made a rash decision - sell their house, car and personal belongings. Why? To buy a RV and set out to see all 63 United States National Parks. If you've ever wondered how to start your dream of a life on the road, or how you know you met the right adventure buddy, then this one's for you! Life in Motion is brought to you by Actual Outdoors. They help build beautiful brands that highlight the approachable and authentic parts of outdoor recreation. Said simply - they “keep it real”. Find them on