1x1 With Kristian Harloff

Gemini Man: Ang Lee and Jerry Bruckheimer Go Deep in 60-Minute Q&A



Collider partnered up with IMAX, Paramount Pictures, director Ang Lee and super producer Jerry Bruckheimer for a special screening of Gemini Man at IMAX HQ followed by an extended Q&A. During the 60-minute (!) Q&A, Lee and Bruckheimer talked about how they got together on the project, the challenges of filming in high frame rate, what Lee learned from past films to make Gemini Man look better in 3D and HFR, the numerous technical challenges of using these new cameras, how the film changed in post-production, how shooting at 120 frames per second changes the editing process, the nuances of creating the younger Will Smith, their favorite scenes, how they were able to shoot underwater, and so much more it would be impossible to list everything here.Trust me, if you’re a Ang Lee or Jerry Bruckheimer fan and want to learn Gemini Man was made, you’re going to learn a lot watching this Q&A. Check out what they had to say in the player above and below is exactly what we talked about.If you haven’t seen th