Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

[Coaching] You Are the Leader to Develop Other Leaders



The work I do with my clients often centers around adapting to a new role or promotion. It sounds easy, and many of my clients beat themselves up because they assumed it should be an easier transition than it actually is. Taking on a promotion typically looks like being further away from the hands-on work that is being done. Trying to stay close to the work, while coming from a good place of wanting to make sure the work his high quality, can overwhelm your to-do list and train some bad habits in your team. Each new role you take on requires you to shift the way you think of yourself and how you think you provide the highest value. This was something a woman in our community, T, realized while we were recording this on-air coaching session. Take a listen to this episode and let me know if any of this resonated with you. I'm offering T some tips and new perspectives, along with a book recommendation that may be helpful to you as well so stay ‘til the end. Resources Episode Show Notes: Transcript and links ment