Cio Talk Network Podcast

The People side of Cyber Security – Turning organizations’ weakest link into their greatest strength



There’s no question that people are the weakest link in Cybersecurity. So we invest in educating people about security risks and how to handle them. We try building cybersecurity champions who can help spread the word about good security practices. We introduce incentive programs for “security-first” behaviors. However, the results are still disappointing and prove that computers are designed to be secure while people are not. Can we do better? How can we make security a foundation of our organizations and help ensure that we can continue to grow with confidence? Guest 1: James Johnson, Chief Information Security Officer, John Deere Guest Bio: Guest 2: Abiodun Morolari, Chief Information Security Officer, City of Toronto Guest Bio: Guest 3: John Virden, Assistant Vice President for Security, Compliance, and Risk Management and CISO, Miami University Guest Bio: