Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

You, Seeing from Multiple Perspectives



Have you experienced the eye-opening magic of seeing from more than one perspective? When we are children, we believe we are the center of the universe. At that stage in life, we have a difficult time considering why someone would see things differently than we do. If fact, if someone didn’t agree with us, we made up a story about why this person could possibly not agree with our outlook. It takes work to shake out of this default way of thinking and start making a habit of considering how other people are seeing things. However, the reward of staying open-minded and seeing things from multiple perspectives is new ideas, new opportunities and new solutions that you may have missed if you only look at things from your own vantage point.  Now take this ability as an individual and add to it a diverse team of people who all see the world differently. If this team can respect and appreciate each other for the unique perspectives and experiences they all bring to the table, this is your dream team. In this episode